Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personally identifying information (PII), without your permission, to commit fraud or other crimes.

Examples of PII are

How do thieves steal an identity?

The methods thieves use to steal your information include:

What can be done with your personal information?

How can you prevent identity theft?

There are various things you can do to minimize the chance of becoming the victim of identity thieves:

How VCU Handles Identity Theft

VCU's identity theft prevention program is to detect, prevent, and mitigate identity theft in connection with new and existing covered accounts to protect the personal information entrusted to the university.

This is accomplished by taking steps to mitigate identity theft, as well as by identifying, detecting, and responding to relevant warning signs of identity theft (red flags).

Who should read the Identity Theft Prevention policy?

All faculty and staff should read the Identity Theft Prevention policy. The policy describes the purpose of the program, program components, and program administration.

Explain covered accounts.

A covered account is an account that involves multiple payments or transactions and has a foreseeable risk of identity theft. Identified covered accounts are described in the Identity Theft Prevention policy.

What are some examples of red flags?

What should be done if red flags are detected?

Who is the program administrator?

The program administrator is the VCU Information Security Officer. For more questions, please contact the VCU Office of Information Security